Tuesday, March 31, 2020

MATH - Tuesday March 31st

Voici ton travail pour cette semaine (31 mars au 3 avril):

A) Révision des fractions

(autoriser Adobe Flash player)

En bas, à gauche, tu verras le bouton « Leçons ». Clique sur « Leçons » et sélectionne les 2 activités :
1-Fraction équivalentes (4e ligne en bleu)
2-Comparaison et classement des fractions propres (5e ligne en bleu)

Ne pas faire : exercices – parents – enseignant – évaluation (qui apparait en haut dans l’espace gris)

B) Révision des nombres décimaux

(autoriser « Adobe Flash Player »)

*Sélectionner ‘’LECONS’’ et compléter les leçons.  (C’est interactif et intéressant)
*Les ‘’stratégies, glossaire et jeux’’ qui apparaissent à gauche ne doivent pas être faits.   
*Sélectionner et compléter les exercices qui apparaissent en bas de l’écran pour te pratiquer.

La semaine prochaine, tu devras compléter un travail (évaluation) qui comptera pour une note dans le bulletin.  Les exigences de ce travail te seront expliquées dans le Blog vendredi le 3 avril.

Amuses-toi bien, reste à la maison et prend bien soin de ta santé. 

Monday, March 30, 2020

FLA & Social Studies - Monday, March 30th

Bonjour 5e,

I hope everyone had a nice Spring break... As you know, we (teachers) are starting to get organize with Google Classroom for our online learning.

This week, you can finish La créature du marais Chapter 4  (rubric) if you're not finish. I corrected all the ones that were handed to me before Spring break and marks are on PowerSchool. If you are done both chapters, you can start working on the Chapter 8 Research-Presentation. For this project, every students have to pick a different Canadian animal, this is the list of students' choices. Please, when you pick an animal, send me an email so I can update the list: claturcottebarabe@cbe.ab.ca

Next week, you'll have time to continue working on the Chapter 8 project.

Social Studies
The research on the country as been postpone, we will be doing it later this year.

This week, you can start by watching those video about our last Canadian Region : The Arctic.
Vivre au Nunavut    Rick in Nunavut    Life in Iqaluit    Les habitants du Nord peinent à se nourrir (this last video has some hunting images, we can see seal blood).

Next week, we will compare the Arctic lifestyle to our lifestyle in the Prairies.

It would also help me if you go on Google classroom with your CBE email address and join the 5-3 classe with this code : c37zn4v

**Heads Up - You can start keeping some recyclable materials for a futur project.**

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 20th

Hi 5-3,

I have been missing you at school this week and sad that we didn't quite finish our puzzle piece, but I'm sure we will reunite eventually.  I hope you have been making the most of the extra time you have with siblings and parents, as well as the extra time you have for rest and relaxation.  Even though rest and relaxation is is a good idea for a short amount of time,  it is also important to implement a schedule for yourselves and stimulate your minds with creative and critical thinking activities.

At this time there is no information on how your learning will look in the next coming weeks.  Once the school board figures out how best to support your learning, you will know as well.  In the meantime, the CBE has suggested you look at the following resources to continue learning from home.

Here is the link to the CBE webpage:

Here are a few other useful sites. J

All the best,

Ms. Leavitt


I am hoping everyone is doing well.  It is sad that we had to cancelled the Math Test planned for March 16th on the unit of  Decimal Numbers.  I am sure you would have done very well.  Keep your notebooks and assignments well organized for future learning. In the meantime, you can practice some Math with those free resources:

Math games:

Dear students, I am sorry we did not have a chance to say goodbye. There was a ton of things I wanted to do with you, including finding out if you were able to grow a bigger crystal than mine! I wish you all the best and please do not hesitate to email me if you need anything: marichard@cbe.ab.ca
Mme Richard

Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13

This week, we started learning about surface tension of water. Next week, we will continue to experiment with water and also learn about acids and bases. When we return from spring break, we will take the first week to review all of our chemistry concepts and then will have a unit test in the following week.

Social Studies:

This week, we had our quiz about The Cordillera Region (marks are on PowerSchool). Next week, as I will be accompanying grade 9s to Bamfield, students will do a research on a Country - rubric.


This week, we finished "La créature du marais", we had some time to work on chapter 4. I am still missing lots of paragraph.

Please check PowerSchool as I am still missing some Chapter 2 assignments and many Chapter 4 assignments - rubric.

Next week, they will be getting ready for a presentation about an animal or a plant.


Les Fractions (dénominateur et numérateur)
Les fractions équivalentes
Représenter une fraction (dessin et droite numérique)
Changer une fraction en nombre décimal
Trouver des multiples communs(dénominateur commun)
Comparer les fractions et les mettre en ordre croissant
Le tableau de valeur des nombres décimaux
Représenter les nombres décimaux (symbolique, développée, dessin, mots, tableau)
Les pourcentages:  4/100 = 4% = 0, 04

We finish the unit on Value of fractions and decimal numbers and starting Measurment with decimal numbers.  There are the homework for the week.


Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6th


There are the homework for the coming week (March 9 to March 13th):

Lundi: p. 189  # 3-4-5
Mardi: p.189 # 6-7-8
Mercredi: p.190 # 9-10
Jeudi: p.190 # 12-13-14
Vendredi: Pas de devoir

We will have a test on March 16th (next Monday).  This is what needs to be studied:

  • Les Fractions (dénominateur et numérateur)   
  • Les fractions équivalentes                  
  • Représenter une fraction (dessin et droite numérique)
  • Changer une fraction en nombre décimal
  • Trouver des multiples communs(dénominateur commun)
  • Comparer les fractions et les mettre en ordre croissant
  • Le tableau de valeur des nombres décimauxReprésenter les nombres décimaux (symbolique, développée, dessin, mots, tableau)
  • Les pourcentages:  4/100 = 4% = 0, 04

This week students presented their "Discours Oratoire" (grades & comments are on PowerSchool), we talked about how to make maple sirup, learned new vocabulary about it and we started chapter 4 of "La créature du marais".

Please check PowerSchool as I am still missing many Chapter 2 assignments. I would like to review it with the class next week.

Next week, we will continue the book and have some conversations about it. We will also have a song as it is "Le mois de la Francophonie" and we will work on French sounds and calligraphy.

A spelling bee contest has been announced. If students want to participate, here is the list of words for the "Concours d'épellation". The classroom final will be during the week of March 9th, and the school final will be on March 17th.

Social Studies:
This week we completed our chapter about the Cordillera and started the study guide. We will complete the study guide next week and the quiz will be on Thursday, March 12th.

As we are approaching the end of the year, I will not post the answer key of the study guide on the blog. Students have to start taking their responsibility and follow in class when we correct it (I always write them down on the board or on the computer-projector). Too many students are waiting for me to give them all the answers and do not use their notes to find them. I will gladly look over finished study guide to tell them if everything is correct.

ScienceThis week, we worked on making sugar crystals. Next week, the students will be challenged to make one bigger than the original one by changing some variables. They will individually write a scientific process with all the steps and I will evaluate it.

Students finished their presentations.  Grades are up in PowerSchool.  Here is the rubric for the presentations:  Presentation Rubric
Students that did not complete their persuasive paragraph in class today, need to do it for home work.